Attachment nose of a cutting tool on Hydraulic press - Technical


I'm looking for documentation on the upper and lower hydraulic press plates to be able to fix this type of tool (§ image).

If you have the press brand name Industrial Hydraulics (80T to 1000T) like Mecamaq, MIB,... or even a comparative overview.

Yours sincerely

on most large 1000T presses

the trays are grooved

@+ ;-))

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If you are looking for manufacturers, you can look on directindustry for example


Hello @gt22, it's precisely the real dimensions of the grooves + support to fix the nose of the tool that I'm looking for.

@Chamade, I had already looked on Direct industry, there is a large choice of model. I'm looking for other sites on the subject, more details on how presses work, model comparisons, points of view, ...


Why not contact suppliers by sending this image?

With a bit of luck, whoever makes the press will answer!


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No satisfactory answers on this subject.