When I create parts directly inside an assembly, I have some concerns about the name of these parts and I would like to clarify this point.
In fact, if I see correctly, when a part is in an assembly, there are 3 names: - the name of the object of the share, - the name of the part instance: this allows you to create several instantiations of the same part object. - the name of the file ending in CATPart.
When I create a new part in an assembly by right-clicking on the assembly, then Components, then New part, I create a new part in my assembly. By right-clicking on the newly created part and then properties, I can change the name of the object of the part and its instance. I then change these 2 names and I give them the same name when in my assembly, I only have one instantiation from me.
On the other hand, after registration (via registration management and directory propagation), I notice that the file name of my newly created part still has the name Part1.CATPart
1) How can I also directly change the file name (Part1.CATPart) of the newly created part?
2) For the parts I had created and which still have a file name like Part1.CATPart, Part2.CATPart ... What do you recommend to rename them?
3) I am interested in your feedback on the assignment of these names in order to have a clear method of labels (names) in an assembly that can contain many parts and sometimes several times the same part?
This opens the window to name the reference directly and therefore implicitly the name of the file.
2) We open the assembly and then use the recording manager (file / recording management).
The colones are used as excel (filters)
We choose the actions we want to do according to what we select.
3) It depends on the company where you work but we often find:
The name of the file, abstract (manufacturer's ref) is often added, a designation (type of parts) and the notions of version, revision (number and or letter).
The Reference field (Catia) takes the file ref without the other references
The name of the instance corresponds to the designation found in the title block.
For point 2, namely to rename the file names of certain parts in an assembly.
I found a method.
In windows explorer, change the name of the shares.
Then, in the CATProduct, at the part where you want to change the name, you click on the right button and then "replace with" and you choose the part for which you have just changed the name.
The right click does not allow you to change the name in the manager, it is in the Windows window that opens that you modify before clicking on Save (as the independent registration box is checked Catia keeps in memory the action you have just done and will perform it when you click OK in the manager.
2) The replace command is very useful especially if in the assembly you have based your constraints on "published" elements and that the replacement part also has the same type of "published" elements with the same names. The cost of the constraints is reconnected and the replacement part is correctly positioned.