Excel assembly bill of materials


I know that this subject has already been discussed many times and that there are surely ready-made applications.

I want to create an Excel BOM that would update automatically when it is opened in which without the assembly being opened, in order to integrate it into a project management table.

Thank you in advance for your answers


If you have access to mycad tools, you can use Smartbom.

If you have EPDM, you can also  extract a BOM. 

Kind regards 



Otherwise, if you know about "macros / programming", it is possible to make it tailor-made by relying on the Solidworks APIs ...

Kind regards

Hello D.Roger

In your opinion, it is possible to extract a BOM with Solidworks closed.

How would you proceed?

By going through a macro on Excel?

Do you already have a bit of macro for example? Thank you


Hello D.Roger,

I have no draft and a limited knowledge of macro

It's more of a macro on excel .

I'm trying to gather different macro retrieved here and there.

Kind regards

It is possible to do this with Solidworks closed using "SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr.dll" (or even with Solidworks not installed using "swdocumentmgr.dll")
Use the GetComponents function to get the BOM.

On the other hand, now that document manager only works in x64, we would have to make an external module to Excel. And call it from an Excel macro with the command "Call Shell()". Or have an application that writes the bill of materials directly to an Excel file.

Here is a draft that will write the BOM in the same directory as the assembly: (Copy the code into a new VB.NET console application , or use the attached file)

Note: A Document manager license number is required. See this link to get it

Imports System.IO
Imports SwDocumentMgr
'Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr'

Module Module1
    Private swDocMgr As SwDMApplication
    Private Bom As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
    Private TsvPath As String
    Sub Main()
        Dim LicenseFile As String = Path.Combine(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "LicenseKey.txt")
        Dim Lines As List(Of String) = File.ReadAllLines(LicenseFile).ToList
        Dim LicenseKey As String = Lines(0)
        If LicenseKey.Length < 50 Then
            Console.Write("Entrer le numéro de license document manager dans ce fichier TXT")
        End If

        Dim Args As List(Of String) = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs.ToList
        Dim AssyPath As String
        If Args.Count = 2 Then
            AssyPath = Args(1)
            Console.Write("Entrer le chemin de l'assemblage: ")
            AssyPath = Console.ReadLine()
        End If

        Dim swCf As New SwDMClassFactory()
        swDocMgr = swCf.GetApplication(Lines(0))


        TsvPath = AssyPath.Replace(".SLDASM", ".TSV")
        If File.Exists(TsvPath) Then File.Delete(TsvPath)
        WriteLine("PN" & vbTab & "QT.")
        For Each item In Bom.Keys
            WriteLine(item & vbTab & Bom(item))
    End Sub

    Private Sub GetComps(ByVal FilePath As String)
        Dim DocType As SwDmDocumentType = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentAssembly
        Select Case Path.GetExtension(FilePath).ToLower
            Case ".sldprt"
                DocType = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentPart
            Case ".sldasm"
                DocType = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentAssembly
            Case ".slddrw"
                DocType = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentDrawing
        End Select

        Dim res As Long
        Dim swDoc As SwDMDocument13
        swDoc = swDocMgr.GetDocument(FilePath, DocType, True, res)

        Dim swConfig As SwDMConfiguration12
        Dim swConfigMgr As SwDMConfigurationMgr = swDoc.ConfigurationManager
        swConfig = swConfigMgr.GetConfigurationByName(swConfigMgr.GetActiveConfigurationName())
        Dim comps As Object = swConfig.GetComponents()
        Dim arrComps As Array = comps

        If arrComps IsNot Nothing AndAlso arrComps.Length > 0 Then
            For Each swComp As SwDMComponent9 In arrComps

                If swComp.ExcludeFromBOM = swDmExcludeFromBOMResult.swDmExcludeFromBOM_TRUE _
                    OrElse swComp.IsSuppressed Then
                    Continue For
                End If

                If swComp.DocumentType = SwDmDocumentType.swDmDocumentAssembly Then
                    Dim FileName As String = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(swComp.PathName)
                    If Not Bom.ContainsKey(FileName) Then
                        Bom.Add(FileName, 1)
                        Bom(FileName) += 1
                    End If
                End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub WriteLine(ByVal line As String)
        Dim swt As StreamWriter
        If Not File.Exists(TsvPath) Then
            swt = File.CreateText(TsvPath)
            swt = File.AppendText(TsvPath)
        End If
    End Sub
End Module


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@yannick.petit :

- To the question "In your opinion, it is possible to extract a BOM with Solidworks closed.": everything is said by JeromeP with the bonus of the example that goes well.

- To the question "How would you proceed? Using a macro on Excel? ": by an independent program that would fetch the nomenclature to either write it in a new Excel file or fill in an existing Excel file.

Kind regards

First of all, thank you for your answers.

Our company only owns Office 2019 and SolidWorks 2020 pack.

We do not own Smartbom , nor EPDM and are not expected to invest.

I would like to be able to use only excel and solidworks .

Thank you.


Hello Jonathan,
The tool above uses only SolidWorks.
You can use it in Excel with the function:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim strProgramName As String
    Dim strArgument As String
    strProgramName = "C:\MesProgrammes\BomToXls.exe"
    strArgument = "C:\MesFichiers\Assem1.SLDASM"
    Call Shell("""" & strProgramName & """ """ & strArgument & """", vbNormalFocus)
End Sub



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