Assembly-related sub-assembly BOM


I have assembly A having several times a subassembly B. When I do the mep of A, I add the nomenclature of A (+ promote option on the subassemblies), and I include on a sheet to have the views of subassembly B.

So far no problem, but then I select on the views of B: "link the balloon text to the specified table"  which is the nomenclature of A.

And I don't understand why some parts have the correct bubble number, and others are indicated with *.

I tried to promote sub-assembly afterwards: it doesn't change anything.

I tried to reattach the bubbles: it doesn't change anything.

I tried to put bubbles back on the pieces with *: I always get *

I closed SW, then rebuilt: nothing...

Has anyone ever had this problem? Or would he have a solution?


Rq: sw 2019 SP5.0

A recurring problem with us, independent of the versions.
Often, the only solution is to redo the views or even the plan... :-((

I have the impression that the problem arises when you have started to place the bubbles before creating the right table.

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yes indeed I had this problem, it's a configuration problem in the title of the drawing (SW 2018 SP4).

Otherwise go to the bill of materials and right-click in the tree and put the option by parts and put the detailed option flat.

And then go to the table placed, click on the 3 arrows that appear to the left of the table and reduce the sub-assemblies to have only the desired parts and that's it.

You can also insert text and link it to the desired bubble which is the right reference on another view.

My pc is being processed, I can't take a screenshot.

Keep me informed thank you @+




The table and the view do not point to the same configuration.

therefore a hundred pieces cannot find the N° of this d or (*)


The table points to a configuration


The view points to a configuration


But it is possible to point out  different configurations.

Hence the problem.

Kind regards



Thank you for your answers.

Since I only have one configuration in the assembly and one in the sub-assemblies, I don't have the problem of pointing to the right one or not.

But I had a doubt, because all the configurations had remained on "default". By renaming the configuration of the sub-assemblies differently, miracle of the technology: no more problem. Speech bubbles affect well with the numbers in the nomenclature!



- I tested redoing the plan, putting before/after the nomenclature, the bubbles....   always the same result.

- the AR solution, to put the parts only work. But for the non-promoted sub-assemblies, it's a bit of a pain, because the parts are grouped together between all the sub-assemblies: promoted and not promoted.

So let's say that it's the 1st sentence of AR that allowed me to find the solution.


I also wanted to add that you have to link the balloon text to the table specified in the MEP view .
