Spare parts nomenclatures


On an assembly of let's say 300* parts, I need to identify and nomenclature only the 10* parts that are "wear" parts

I need to show the context (part of the other 290* parts) so that we can spot the wear parts

Is it possible to create a table that only displays bubble pieces?

I could add a given meta "SPARE_PART", but I don't know how to reduce a BOM to the presence of this metadata.


Thank you for your help

* figure may vary by +/- 200%


It is possible to exclude parts from the BOM of an assembly, directly from the assembly: by selecting the parts and clicking on the right mouse button, display the properties of the component and then check "exclude from BOM".

Have a nice day.




We manage this kind of thing at home.

We have a special table with a particular syntax that puts a property between <> for wear parts:

IF('Spare'="Yes"; "< "Part number" >"; 'Part number'

However, this does not allow you to create a reduced nomenclature.

It's quite easy to hide all the rows that don't have the "SPARE_PART" property: you sort your BOM according to this "SPARE_PART" column and you select all the rows that don't have the property and hide them: it's 3 clicks (to be started over each time the BOM is updated though..).



thank you for the BOM's tip

We're going to move forward on that,