Function Names + Configurations

  Hi all.


I am facing a problem that you have surely encountered.

I have a room with several different functions. I renamed these functions to see more clearly.

I need to add configurations on this part in order to configure the functions.

When I switch from one configuration to another, all the names of the functions are removed.

Do you have the solution? =)

Indeed, quite a nice problem!

I don't know why it does this, but there is an alternative: 

right-click on the function --> configure the function --> right-click on the function name --> rename the function.

In my case, the function then keeps the same name in all the configs 


So, if I follow your logic, each time I create a config, I have to rename all my functions?!


He must have a trick for that, right?

Hi, I don't have this problem on my computer, when I add configurations, my functions keep the name I gave them

What's going on at home? Do they return to their original name?

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Why not put them in folders and name your folders?

may the force be with you.


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Hello Bart,

Is the problem general or just on this part and are you up to date with the SP05???

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I am under Sw 2016 sp 4.0


Problem solved. I don't know how....


I closed everything and restarted my position. Everything is back to normal =)


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Ah, the joys of computing....

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Yes... Worrying about 2 hours for nothing^^


I <3 Windows/Sw

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