General Dress Standard and Layout Model Document Properties?


I just realized that for an identical plan template, we arrive at a different result between colleagues because we don't have the same "general wrapping standard" in the document properties of the drawing template.

From what I understand, the 2 allow you to manage the same things that are set up in the same places but that are recorded in 2 different places, which is risky and causes these differences. We only have one layout model so there is no point in having 2 levels of settings.

Question 1: How do these 2 levels work?

   - Properties of the drawing template document

   - General design standard pointing to a "SolidWorks Drafting Standard" .sldstd file

Question 2: How does the document template point to the .sldstd file? Because I can't find any link to this file in the File Locations in System Options.

Thank you in advance for enlightening me on this subject on which I have not found much,


Hello Antho

Do you work in a network and do you have common reference files?

For the location, if everyone has it on their workstation, it's a dead end, except for a manual update.

If you are networked, you can define a single template location for everyone

To find the location, click Options or Tools > Options and select File Locations.

Be careful, depending on the tools, the roots are different. Possibly use Windows Explorer to find everyone.

Kind regards



We work in a network and on PDM yes. We all point to the same templates and we all have to point to the same packaging standard as well but I couldn't find the link in "File Locations" precisely  to set it in the default settings!

I just saw that this .sldstd file also serves as a standard for Drilling Assistance.

Do you know if it can be set up for applications other than drawing and drilling assistance? 

Hello Antho


For PDM it is certainly a more sophisticated logic given the complexity of what PDM manages.

This is the problem of classic complexity in computer science, which can only be managed through databases managed by sophisticated and drastic rules.

I don't use or know PDM, only a specialist could really help you.

The other point for the assistance for the piercing is not surprising since it is only an assistance that simplifies what you would otherwise have to do by hand to have a MEP that holds up.

Anything that assists or simplifies manual action should use common repositories.

We could say that everything from tools, FeatureWorks and the like should have a common repository, don't you think?

Kind regards


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Yes, but my problem is not so much the common reference frame but the fact that parameters are configurable at 2 levels, which can have consequences of difference.

Also, nowhere are links to this .sldstd file specified and so I don't know exactly what it handles (model standard, drilling assistance but maybe other things)...

FYI, I've remodified the drawing template and saved the general wrapping standard in the "SolidWorks Drafting Standard" .sldstd file and we're all going to point to these documents.

The path to the "Standard" is in the file locations (by default it is empty of memory).

It just allows when you do "load norm" to fall in the right place, without having to navigate...

The question shouldn't even arise, to share the settings files (it's part of the basics of configuration, from my point of view...)

Here is an example of a configuration folder (under EPDM), there are not all the possible sections, but basically you could create each folder/path that you can find in "File Location" (not to mention the drilling assistant database).

But to simplify a little, we won't create the folders that we are sure to never use...

The "Standard" file does not contain all the settings of a document, only a part.

It is better to create a Standard file for PRT, ASM, DRW.

Tip: when you load a Standard file into a file, there may be bugs, so it's better to reread the settings pages...

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if you open your eyes, and look at the "Document Properties " page in the tree on the left,

you'll see dotted lines that will tell you what I'm managing/containing the "Standard" file


"File Standard" has nothing to do with Drilling Wizard.

Drilling wizard is managed in "System Option"

EDIT: all old files will have to be reloaded with the "Standard" file (plus other settings not managed by Standard). Because the change in management of the Standard file for DOT is not retroactive for files already created.

And with EPDM, you have to go to group management / choose the "BE user" group

and in "Folder", choose the "SW Settings" folder and put the small check mark "get latest version when connecting to the safe".

This way, users will work with the latest up-to-date version for the settings...

I agree that the files should be common, especially since they are already on the PDM. This is precisely what I have been managing since my arrival in the company because it was apparently the case at the installation but some things have deviated.

I understand better, indeed, in the properties you see the dotted lines and what is managed by the standard, thank you!

I'm going to create a trimming standard file by type (part, assembly, plan) so that it will be cleaner.

I know that the drilling wizard is managed in the system options but why does it also point to this same .sldstd file? I don't get it...

I have already set the get to the latest version when connecting to the vault on the settings folders.

I don't understand the problem of pointing, in my case "Assistant-Perçage" is totally independent of "Normage Dressing"

should you make a screenshot where you see "that it points to this same .sldstd file" ?

In fact, the Drilling Support standard points to the "ISO-JANNEAU" standard, the same name as the dressing standard but it may be something else.

I haven't found any other file named "ISO-JANNEAU" than the .sldstd so I deduce that it is also related to it...


you go a little too fast in "discovering and learning SW options and setting", and mix things up, and suddenly misinterpret

These are two different things, it's just the apparent name "foo" that makes you believe that there is a link...

open the "drilling assistant" folder in a Windows explorer, and explore it, you'll understand...

go to the next question "discovery and learning of Antho"


I thought that the help forum and the questions were there to help people who were questioning, which is my case in some parts of the SolidWorks/EPDM configuration which is a bit complex!

I don't force anyone to take into account and answer my question if it bothers them or doesn't interest them!