Numbers mechanically welded profile


I would like to add a part number on each of the tubes of a welded mechanic

SW-0000125 Welded Mechanic Numbers

I use the split function to create an assembly with new parts.


On each of the tubes I add a material removal function with the numbers I want to assign to the tube

e.g. SW-0000125-1, SW-0000125-2, SW-0000125-3, ....

When I do the split, each of the profiles will be named after the last function that is used on each of the profiles

so I'm going to have a new assembly that I name SW-0000125_split and I'll have new parts named






the only problem is that by making a new function on each of the profiles, it greatly increases the size of the 3D file. :-s

Do you have another solution?


Thank you




You must use the Welded Construction module!

Much simpler and much less cumbersome than making an assembly!

It's easier to manage the profiles used


The principle is that of multi-body.

So a part and a set of static bodies.

It's much less cumbersome than an assembly and all these constraints.


I do make a welded construction but for the manufacture our subcontractor needs to have all the parts separated and this is only possible by having "register the bodies" on the list of welded parts to create an assembly with each profile a new part


I don't understand your subcontractor. We are too and we receive plans for the welded construction of the chassis with their markings on the MEP and the part in Sw because we are in 2016 and then we make the MEP details for manufacturing as we wish. Depending on the chassis it takes us 1 to 2 hours but at least we have our plans as we want with the right information on them... It's not more complicated.

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When you say: "our subcontractor needs to have all the parts separated", you are talking in terms of DRW or 3D.

In 3D, since it's multi-body, it's easy to isolate a body

In drw, it is possible to make a view of a single body (with the "body selection" button):


Here is a tutorial to "isolate" a body and put it in plan:

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-Relative view-

This makes it possible to dimension any body regardless of the welded construction