SW incremental numbering


I have to make a series of plates with numbers ranging from 01 to 60 in laser cutting for a customer.

In SW 2 solutions: either I type the 60 versions by hand, or there is a function that allows you to generate the files in auto by incrementing the numbers automatically, but in this case I don't know this function!

Has anyone ever used this process?

Thank you in advance.


You can link the text of your sketch to a property such as a filename or other that you then modify in batch with a batch utility from Axemble or a software of this type:


Or link the text of your sketch to the name of your file and with Pack and go you generate your copies that you then open to refresh the text.




Perhaps by linking the sketch with the configuration name of the easily created part family.

For dxf exports, yen has several macros on the forum. 



Two good answers but I prefer Lynk's personally (everything is native SW).

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Thank you for your help! I'm going to get down to it this week based on your advice!