Getting a Point Cloud from a Part on Solidworks

Hi all 

I'm coming to you because I want to get a point cloud (surface if possible like a scan) from a part in SW. 

I specify that I do not have access to the ScanTo3D function.

At the same time, if there is a solution to the main problem, I would have liked to know if it was possible to play on the number of points. 

I started with the idea of a more or less refined mesh but I am a bit stuck on the registration of the nodes of the mesh only.

I am attaching an illustration of the initial piece and the expected result. 

Thank you in advance!!   



I don't see a direct solution, however, maybe by going through an STL-like export that generates a mesh whose vertices are on the surface, you can get the points.


Good evening@Stant

Too bad you didn't say what you wanted to do once you had obtained your multitude of points, which does not allow us to possibly offer you a solution.

Kind regards


Thank you for your answers, 
I didn't manage to complete the entire journey on Solidworks. 

My solution:  Export the file in STL (playing with the mesh during the export) then retrieve the points of the vertices by compiling a program in Python

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Good evening Stant,

With delay, a proposal similar to yours in the form of a SolidWorks macro.

Kind regards.

