Offset Ground Shadows


I have a problem in my assembly, the shadow on the ground is offset, which makes my model seem to fly a few cm above the ground like here:

What I noticed is that when I remove the wheels (part of a sub-assembly), the shadow is no longer offset.

However, when I open my sub-assembly, the shadow is not offset.

Do you have an idea of what it is related to or an idea of if you can shift the floor manually? I checked, I don't have a plan or sketch that sticks out. It bothers me quite a bit because I wanted to render and so it's not great.

Thank you!


 Soil reflectionsDisplays a reflection of the model on the ground. Available when Ground  Shadows is selected.
 Ground shadowsDisplays the model's shadows on the floor.
 Flatten the groundFlattens the floor of a spherical environment in scenes to improve the appearance of models that naturally sit on the ground or on flat floors, especially when performing view manipulations such as rotating or zooming.

Available when you select Environment.

Set the environment size to determine the size of the HDRI spherical scene that surrounds the model.

Set the Horizontal Height to specify the latitude on the HDRI spherical stage at which the ground begins to flatten.
 Align the soil withAlign the ground with a plan. Select one of the options XY, YZ, XZ, Bottom View Plan, or Selected Plan.

When you change the alignment, the orientation of the view changes, while keeping the floor below the model.

 Select a flat face to position the floorAvailable when Align Ground with Selected  Layer is selected.
Bouton flip_dir.pngReversing the direction of the groundSwivels the virtual ceiling 180 degrees around the floor. Use this option to straighten a model that appears upside down in a scene.
 Ground offsetSets the height of the model above or below the ground.
Bouton flip_dir.pngReverse the direction of the offsetInverts the position of the floor and model.

When you adjust the Floor Offset, the manipulator moves accordingly in the graphics area.

  • To increase or decrease it, move the pointer over one end of the joystick. When the pointer changes to the shape , drag it.
  • To reverse the direction of the offset, right-click one end of the joystick and click Reverse Direction.


@+ ;-)

Thanks, to detail I created a plan in contact with the tracks (or rather a distance from the chassis because the tracks move) and I selected this plan to align the floor of the scene with it, in the property manager.

Have a nice day!

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