Options d'import step créo

Hi all.

I have a client who can't transform a step file sent from solidworks into a volume.

When it opens the file, it only gets surfaces.

Can a creo user give me screenshots of the options to set to get a volume from a step.

My client has just changed version so I'm leaning towards a bad configuration on his part, but he questions my export.

Thank you


Interesting information here:



STEP export options

You can set export options for SolidWorks part or assembly documents exported as STEP files.

To set the STEP export options:

  1.  Click File > Save As
  2. Select STEP in Type, and then click Options.
  3. Make your selections from the options described below, and then click OK.
  4.  Click Save to export the document.

Output as

Volume/Surface GeometryAllows you to export geometry as volume or polygon bodies.
3D CurvesAllows you to export density and polygon bodies as wireframe entities. All 3D curves (composite curves, 3D wireframes, imported curves, etc.) are also saved.
Export sketch entities(available only with selected 3D curves). All objects in 3D Curves, as well as all 2D and 3D sketches that exist in the document, are exported.
Define STEP configuration data(available only when exporting to STEP AP203 (*.step) files). Displays the STEP Configuration Data dialog box for export. If you select 3D Curves or Export Sketch Entities, you can only open STEP files that are exported in SolidWorks 2001Plus or later.

If you select Set STEP Configuration Data, the STEP Configuration Data for Export dialog box appears.

Because you cannot group sketch items into a STEP file, the following results are achieved when you open the file in SolidWorks:
  • All lines and splines are imported into a single 3D sketch.
  • All circles, ellipses, and parabolas are imported into individual 2D sketches.
Exit coordinate systemSelect a coordinate system for export. If you select the default, no transformation matrix is applied.
Export face/edge propertiesExports the properties of faces and edges. Disable this option to improve export performance.
Splitting periodic facesDivides periodic faces, such as cylindrical faces, into two. Splitting a periodic face can help improve export quality, but may affect performance.


You have to check "solids" and that should be enough


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Here is a screenshot of my export settings


@gt22: Your text talks about export options and not about import. My export options are well set since my other customers don't have this problem (this client didn't have it either before changing versions)

@Tomalam: I guess it's a Creo capture. Would you have the same with the import options rather than the export options. It will allow me to tell my client what to tick to get volume.

@.PL: interesting link indeed. we learn that Creo can open native solidworks, which is good  news for me.

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Here's what I have:

Sorry the image is not very nice  :)

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I believe that for Creo to be able to open native SW, SW must be installed on the same machine.

Thank you Tomalam.

Is it true that your image is not very legible;) but that's what I was looking for.

This will allow me to guide my client on the adjustments to be made.