BOM Organization - SolidWorks


I would like to organize my name as follows:

The usual parts will be made with numbers allocated between 01 and 99. (I rarely have more than 50 pieces)

Standard parts will have numbers starting with 101.

How can I then manage the bill of materials on the drawing, knowing that I would have, for example, parts from N°01 to 27, then standard parts from N°101 to 118?

Otherwise, how do you organize your bill of materials to make the distinction between parts to be made and standard parts?

Thank you



Personally, for the distingo, I do it by the "matter" and "description" columns. When it is a workpiece, there is the name of the material in "material" (logical) and the thickness of the sheet/dimensions of the tubes in "description".

So, when I insert a standard part I put the supplier's item number in "material" and the supplier's name in "description"

To be adapted according to your own designations/columns of course


On the other hand, for the N° in nomenclature ... I'm afraid you don't have much choice but to hand them out.

That said, there is a little trick that can help you. In the BOM options, there is an option to track the order of assembly. This would involve re-organizing your construction tree by putting the machined parts first and the standard parts at the end


Today, we have added a "Sequence" property with the 00 for the parts made 20, for the parts purchased etc.

As its we can sort by "sequence" the nomenclature.


Kind regards