Orientation, annotation, surface finish

I have a surface finish annotation, on the left and right sides. On the right-hand side, the value is "upside down".


Is there a way to put it back in a coherent alignment with the symbol?


See image.


I'm on SW2013.




Have you tried to draw a horizontal sketch line to place the guides and then hide that line after?


It's a bit of a hack but you need a little bit of it:)

Just change the angle, right?

@+ ;-)

If I understood correctly, just change the angle at the bottom right!

A little image @Jose please?


Changing the angle turns the symbol toward the inside of the room. What I want is to keep the symbol there, and turn 180° just the value of 3.2.


Let's agree, the image is just an example!

Watch this tutorial 


@+ ;-)

Well actually no, no image, I don't want to... No I'm kidding, it's just that I read the question AGAIN the wrong way and I thought you wanted to align the annunciations in x, not return the second annotation -_-


So like the others, using the angle :)

In fact, all the dimensions and annotations are in the same direction on a drawing so that you only have to turn the plane (or the head) in one direction!


So it's not possible!


I find it logical that he notes like this

Would you like your 3.2 to be at 180 degrees compared to what is currently there?

why not make lines for your surface condition that take your ref surface

and a single bubble of ta (ref surface condition)

@+ ;-)

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Logical, it remains to be seen!


Look at the attached image, I made a 5° angle and so it puts it on me as I want. But for 5°!


No way when it's perfectly vertical?


yes but it's not normal, we avoid turning the shot in all directions for a good reading

Imagine that all the odds are reversed

you won't stop shooting the shots and depending on the size of the shot hello the hassle

why don't you make a bubbling line with a single tolerance ref indication

@+ ;-)

The problem is that the annotation is in one direction from 91° to 270° and in the other direction from 271° to 90°.

So for your example you just have to pass the annotation to 271° but it is true that on some angle it will not be modifiable.

I think the representation is normal, now if you want to have the text rotated 90° you can indicate 270.01 for the angle, Solidworks will round up to 270 and it will return the text...


Edit: ah ah I hadn't seen that there was a second page... My answer is therefore in line with Guillaume's answer... By cheating even more -_-

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