Where has NOVA gone?


NOVA must have gone on vacation because we don't see her napping at the bottom of our screens anymore.

As long as she didn't catch Covid, which indiscriminately sent him ad patres : in which case it is  unlikely that he (she) would be doing like a charm.

Kind regards


Hello zozo_mp,

Indeed he is no longer there, but I don't know where he is.

Maybe go to another planet... Laugh.




Honestly, I don't miss her at all

simply replaced by a request for permission to accept cookies and followed a flickage of +

and it's really not better 

especially on such a



Hello @Zozo_mp 

Indeed Nova has taken leave on the homepage as well as the forum; it is only available on the pages concerning Visiativ services (technical support, myCADtools, etc.)  

Have a nice day! Coralie 


Hello Coralie,

Thank you for your answer, have a good day and have a good holiday..!!.



Regarding the cookie banner, it is mandatory... The GDPR rules have evolved and we are obliged to impose it. Once you accept it, this banner will not reappear! 

Have a nice day!


Hello Coralie   ;-)

You should check the assertion that   {Once you accept it, this banner will not reappear! ]
In my case I have a software that severely cleans the whole computer before I close it every day.
So unless the information about my choice is kept on Lynkoa's server (which would surprise me) the banner will reappear.

Anyway, even if I accepted cookies, they will be blocked by three pieces of software that work in cascade.  

Kind regards


And yes, just like @Zozo

Even if you accept the minimum 

the banner reappears ;-(

@+ ;-)

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I confirm, the banner often reappears (unless you accept "Everything", how strange (sic))... in this case why not add a "Refuse All" button next to the other two?

Is it possible that this is related to the fact that the site's submask changes indifferently from French to English?

As for Nova, I wish her success  in her new assignment at Visiativ, hoping not to hear from her... Farewell, Vas and fair winds.


@Zozo_mp not all cookies are necessarily intrusive, and therefore not necessarily to be deleted. If you delete the one who stores the information that you accept the use of cookies on this site, you should not be surprised that the banner reappears since this info is stored in a cookie!

Some cookie deletion software can allow some trusted site, maybe you should change your cleaning criteria or click each time.