Where can I find the list of Drivework rules in French?

I would like to have this list of drivework rules in French in order to learn them to better exploit them, do you know if this list exists in French? 
Thank you!



That's a gift, but it's from 2011.

May the force be with you


Thank you OBI WAN! 

I must have expressed myself badly, I wanted to talk about functions (logic, mathematics etc ...)

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You can also consult the DriveWorks online help which should give you the list of "up-to-date" functions!



Since a large part of the functions of DriveWorks are the origin of Excel functions (the older versions of DriveWorks used Excel as the engine), you can already use the Excel online help in French for the syntax and operation of the functions in common to both softwares.

Sites even exist to facilitate research and translation between English and other languages.

Here is one: https://fr.excel-translator.de

For the rest, it is a request that is starting to become common among our customers.

In the absence of a response from the publisher on this subject, we are studying the possibility of publishing a lexicon in French ourselves that would make it easy to understand these functions.

So you have just increased the counter of people potentially interested in this project (which is not yet current). :)