Measure tool or other tool


I would like to measure angles frequently: either between two faces, or between two planes, or in a sketch (without going through a dimension).

I don't know why I had the impression that the measuring tool knew how to do this, but in the online help it doesn't do it, nor obviously with the measured tool itself. 

It turns out that I have to make a complicated piece with planes in all directions that positions sketches and parts.

How do you measure the angles without redrawing a sketch.

Thank you in advance to those who will answer :-)


Hi @ Zozo

if you can with the tools evaluer_mesurer 

Just select Project On (the shot with an arrow)

then you select your 2 plans and you will find the angle 

@+ ;-)



For me it's the same as gt22; I select the planes or my lines, faces and press the M key on my keyboard I have the measure window that opens with all the information I need.

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I do as you say but no odds.

I'll look at it tomorrow.


 @ Zozo you can see my attached image

he has noted the angle 36° 

if I'm not mistaken;-)

@+ ;-)


Watch how I do it


Which version of Solidworks are you on???

@ Ac Cobra

it's under SW 2018 if I'm not mistaken.

Have a good Sunday


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Thank you, have a good Sunday to you too ^_^

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@ Ac Cobra

I hope that for your piece

that you don't have to cut

your V and your  blade  you already have some cut at the coast

otherwise it's going to cost you an arm and a leg in tools

you need a good series to cushion

Unless you have another fab process?

@+ ;-)

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It's for me personally, I have plastic parts of the trampoline that have broken. It's a small series of 8 parts ^_^.  For the manufacture we are rather well supplied with fractional tools so 4 press strokes per part and it's settled.

Hello Sunday

Thank you @gt22 and @ac Cobra 427.

It works again.

I'm a little ashamed to tell you how I found my mistake.

Since the 2018 version The window that appears when you press "M" is narrowed and as I use the XYZ display a lot which gives dimensions I haven't seen that I was missing the angle. (I hope it's not cretinism that wins me over)

I just realized by looking at the beautiful document of @ac Cobra (it didn't strike me right away when looking at the one of @gt22) that this window could be enlarged (like all 20dose windows) and therefore the info on the angle reappears.

I didn't understand because I've been using M for years to measure (I'd say I use it dozens of times a day).

Well fortunately there are friends to help you. THANK YOU, THANK YOU

PS: I'm in 2018 SP0 version :-)