Mycad Tool - Integration


I'll come back with a little question:

Create a task that tests whether properties are empty or not.

Then the concatenates according to the cases, with the addition of a space between the properties.

Description / TITLE L1 / TITLE L2 / TITLE L3


In the case below, it is a case "Descr + TITLE L1"

and in the test, it blocks on "Descr" > 1 (plus it says it contains 14 characters!! )

I tried with equal/different from 0, but same result "fail"


Well it seems that INTEGRATION has a lot of bugs in its test conditions...

New test with the following scenarios:

Descr. = exists = non-empty

T1 = exists = empty (no spaces)

T2 = exists = non-empty

T3 = exists = non-empty

Integration does not properly "test input condition"

Example: T1 contains 0 characters


For your information, this is indeed a bug in the software, present for I don't know how long (will be fixed in the next version...):

All the condition tests on the properties seem to be buggy!

I also saw another strange thing in integration, they call "Document Options" instead of "System Options"!! ... Enough to guide users on the wrong path...

On version 2016 I check  (with If a property exite with a given value) that the Category property is equal to  Cutting and it works perfectly.


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Tests them on the number of characters of a property, in our case:

if property nb character other than 0

if less than or equal to 1

if greater than or equal to 1


In addition, in the report, he puts us well:

if different from 0 (he counted 14) = Failure

Ok, same for me, there is a bug on these tests

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I don't know about integration, but in programming, we use a function (string. Length or nbchar) to get the number of characters.

It is also possible to test an empty string as follows:


I don't know if it will help but for me, the syntax of your test is wrong. 

the writing syntax is internal to "Integration" we don't have access to it.

The writing in my messages was purely to express the idea.