Advanced Selection Tools



I know that it's the worst way to approach a software than to compare it to another, but I worked a lot on Creo and there were super powerful tools for advanced selection (intent edge, outline and surface, loop surface, etc.).


Are there similar tools on Inventor? When creating leave, they are really useful because they are very robust. 


Thank you in advance for your answers


Thanks in advance


Yes, there is the same thing on Inventor. In the quick access bar, there is an icon for the selection filter.

Icon with a pointer and a green and white symbol, it seems to me.


Here's in an assembly, there's the same thing for a part with different options

You can also activate the selection tool, "Select Other", which appears when the mouse pointer is stopped over faces, edges, or surfaces and displays a list of everything below the pointer.

It's really practical and to my taste, more productive than filters (I tend to forget that I activated a filter and look like a donkey for why I can't select what I want anymore... Are you a ball and chain or you are not:) )

Kind regards.
