Opening a file in a higher version

I'm going to take the dog out .... and my wife, I'll be back in about 1 hour

the volume body is missing which is in a folder X

which I reconstituted via surface offset and thickened

It's a real pachworks your piece 

which of + is you have defects on your parting plan

+ your curves are not super fluid

Look at the break on the plane of symmetry

here is your part in SW 2017 I have hidden your part part, parting line G including the functions if related

My rework is created via rework of your ext surfaces (surface offset

that I have thickened and symmetrized

@+ ;-)

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Look at my previous answer 

I made your play for you in SW 2017


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With 2020, after opening the reference with your left part, the only error I have concerns the last function:

Which I solved by removing this body from the area of action:

Which probably doesn't help you much, unless that's exactly what you meant by "it's going badly".


Indeed  GT22, it has a lot of flaws, I'm not at the top with this software and yet I managed to make an STL and print it.

Thank you for the correction

@Sylk for the left piece in 2018 no problem.

Because it goes badly, that's the problem at the beginning

@ diiity

were you able to get my part back in SW 2017


@gt22 when I open the piece you corrected I have this in capture:


I don't understand why I just did the test and it works flawlessly


you take the file directly and you put it in the SW window

it should work

@+ ;-)

If not, what to do, to start again?

Well it's still a crazy thing, the same file opened in its original location (it's not good and on the desktop (it's much better), doesn't produce the same result.

It would be a link with another disturbing piece, the one on the left, but what to do, to redo the symmetry but otherwise, is it possible?

That's what I do, I always open my rooms like that.

If I open your room from the desktop, where I downloaded it, it opens asking me to search for or delete a file but it opens.

If I open it in the same way but from the folder where the other documents are located, it's like the starting situation

PS: same problem when opening in double click


Find the file and select your left part.

This message appears because the path of the database saved in the file is different from the path of gt22. This is normal.

That being said, even with the gt22 part, I have the error I mentioned above, which I correct in the same way.


Here are 2 YouTube videos I just made on the 2 ways to open, from the desktop and from the folder:


I don't know who to give the correct answer to, how to do it?



To the first one who gave it, or to the one who helped you the most;)

What method did you choose?


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Well, honestly none, and as it works well with the 2013 version, I'm staying there for now.

It's still weird that a file created with the 2013 version can't open properly in the 2018 version because you yourself have to bias.

By the way, I think I tried with another version.


My attempts are probably not relevant since I made them under SW2020. However, I didn't have to "bias" at all; I just had to give Solidworks the path of the referenced part in the project, which is not abnormal as soon as its location changes. As for the error I corrected, it appears to be only a problem of part design, or of the use of the function. The latter case can change from one version to another.

Even so, no one got the same errors as you, but we were only able to try with the 2017, 2019, and 2020 versions.

Therefore, the only relevant answer will come from a user who can test your part with SW2018.

As long as this problem is not resolved, the question must therefore remain open.

Kind regards

The problem comes from the backrest under the parting line (volumetric bodies)

You need this document file to see how it was constructed

D:\Modeling\CAD-CAD projects\aero\Blade 200 srx\Bull\torques\G.SLDPRT parting line

so find this file and post the please thank you

It will allow you to see the building shaft and clean it cleanly .

@+ ;-)

Well here is the file, I had already attached it on page 2 10th post but here it is again:

nice guys, you're tenacious...



D:\Modeling\CAD-CAD projects\aero\Blade 200 srx\Bull\torques\G.SLDPRT parting line
