Opening .stp file in .prt in Pro/Eng

Hello hello, 

I'm new to the forum, a little bit of presentation: I work in a design office under Pro/E - wildfire 5.0

When I import .stp files, I have the choice to open in .prt or .asm 

In most cases, if I want to open a .stp as a part (.prt) but which is originally an assembly, the software opens it but not correctly, all the parts are piled up on the same point...

Has anyone ever had the problem? 

It's been a long time since I've handled Pro/E.

It may seem logical from a certain point of view: you ask for the opening of a room so everything is brought back to the origin.
To work around, try opening in asm mode and then convert the asm to prt (via "save as" or "export", in general).

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Open the file in asm, and you will have an assembly with all the parts in prt, created in memory.
