Opening SW file with Inventor

Hi all 


I am coming to you with a problem opening a SW file from Inventor. Indeed, by directly opening an SLDASM, and exporting it to a folder, Inventor creates two separate parts when it is a part that has a configuration. Example Toto.prt and toto_percage Ø15.prt. It turns out that if in the configuration, it is Foto.prt that is used, it still creates the other version in my folder but empty...


Do you know of an option to create only the part that Inventor uses?


Thank you.  

Hello, I don't know INVENTOR, but maybe it is possible to save the file. SLDPRT in parasolid or IGES, maybe INVENTOR would consider it as one and only body!?


Kind regards

Hello, in the import window, you have the option to select the parts to be imported.

In the window that opens after selecting the file, in the "Select" tab, click on load template and select what is useful to you.



Thank you for your answers, but the window doesn't appear once I open the ..  

Should you take the window in a menu? 

Thank you