Opening large assembly


To give me an idea, these are the elements that can prevent a quick opening of an assembly of more than 2000 parts.

Then why does an assembly that opened quickly under sw2013 take double the time under sw2014?


The computer is the same, the graphics card has gone from a quadro 600 to a K2000, everything is in SSD on the machine so no problems hardware speed

Do you have the complex assembly option checked when opening?
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Were all your sldasm and sldprt files saved in SW14? Otherwise, there may be a waste of time with each "conversion" from SW13 to SW14.


If you have the MyCAD suite, you have to use UpDate Version (from memory)


1) yes it's checked and it's the same parameter as my 2013

2) everything has been converted and I have the same problem every day that I open it.


Well it gives me time to have a coffee but that's not the point


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Is it in your original assembly under 2013


there were toolbox components, automated functions, etc....


Have all your parts been upgraded in 2014


Isn't it looking for functions, tools, ref, library, etc... in several dossiers 2013/2014


do you have the 2 system on the same PC


If yes you have 2 types of ref for your bib and tollbox function etc


The Block Bar tool allows the file to be opened

 to save time when reopening since it only takes the outer skins as a ref


So much for a start


@+ ;((

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It's well known, the 2014 version pumps 2x more ram than the 2013 version (source: Dassault)


Then the fact of having a poorly defragmented disk can also play a role.


Have you changed your network recently?


Do you work locally?


I'm currently with a quadro k2000 like you in 2014, and since the switch from the 2013 to the 2014, it's lagging a lot more on my side....




@gt22, yes I may have toolbox stuff lying around...  

Then yes I have the 2 versions on my machine but I can't open my assembly anymore in 2013 (which is normal)


I think there's something to see about it, but as the files I open are converted in 2014 to the recording I don't think my BIB is a problem.

@Bart, we had already discussed it, I'm local But it's true that I haven't mounted my ram I'm still at 16GB

If the problem must come from there I think 


In my humble opinion you should make copies of 2013 files to switch them  to 2014 


and keep a 2013 version

if you want your 2 versions at the same time


and make sure that each version is his personal bibl


I understand that via the biblio and all the tools the refs have the same name

but sometimes do not correspond to completely different things.


@+ ;-((

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Are the same supplements checked?

Because they also play on the opening of files.

oh mad I'm going to buy a second SSD copied my data on it and I'm converting it in 2014. (I have to keep it in 2013 otherwise if a former customer follows up with me it's going to be hot.)


I checked for my ram I can go up to 32GB but I am limited to 1600Mhz so I will continue to pedal and drink coffee

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I just saw that there are newer certified drivers for the 2014 version, maybe to test, but they are not certified for 2013!!

@lucas it scares me, the last driver I installed caused me problems. There were two choices and of course I installed the most recent version which didn't work. 

It is necessary to see and compare between the 2013 and 2014 if there is a community. 


@gt22 I say, my assembly is already on a separate disc with its own library converted in 2014.

The fact remains that the toolbox

so it's the 320.78 which is compatible 2013/2014 and I already have it installed

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