Open 2 Solidworks sessions on the same workstation

Hi all

I just discovered by chance how to open 2 sessions (see more 3,4) Solidworks on the same workstation.

Are you interested?

Have a nice day.


What a discovery!

This is strongly discouraged. You'll see a lot of bugs. (This happens when SolidWorks crashes and the process remains in the background.)

Just one example. If you have common parts for example the screws. You will have errors on the read/write management. During registrations your coins will be used by the other process.

The utilities do not manage multiple SW processes.


Just double-click on the icon on the desktop.

I sometimes use it to compare 2 models without needing to rename my files, but given the risk of human error (not to mention the bugs mentioned by Remrem) I stop there.
By the way, Sw warns that he can't open a log file (so no automatic backup a priori) on the second session, I've never pushed the vice to open more...



Normally, you just have to click on the start icon again. It works with most software. I often do this with Autocad or with my oxy-cutting software.

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I don't see much interest

you can also if you have several screens

open another room with the same SW lie on the 2nd screen or 3° if you have the graphics card for

and works on the 2 files in anticipation if necessary

@+ ;-)


Ok thank you I didn't know ^^

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Hello, I had the opposite problem, I only wanted to open a solidworks and all my files use the same one, well for a while, each time I opened a new task from the PDM, a new task was executed!! :) Of course the computer was lagging and ended up crashing...

problem solved since, fortunately for me.

Have a good weekend



@G: maybe a file/application association problem, probably appeared with SWLauncher (the thing that offers the different versions when there are several installed).

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I also often use it to compare assemblies

The interest is not to stuff the memory of the first SW and end up with the error message of the allocated resources.

With pdm, it also allows you to open the same assembly or the same part in two different versions