Open a file in .xyz format

I'm looking to save SW and DWG files in .xyz, and when I do I get a message
-cf attached image-, the file appears in the registration folder, but it is empty, normal since the message says that there are no entities to process, why and how to do it?
thank you in advance

I don't know this format, nor how you export it from SW.
But from what I read it's a dot format, so maybe you should start more from curve or sketch and not from a volume, hence the refusal to export.

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Yes, it's a point format with the coordinates x y z, which can even be just text - coordinates x space y space z - according to my research ..., format used to model in chemistry labs ... among others, in short like a text point cloud, so effectively sketches and/or points, that SW should be able to process, I'll try that, thank you.
I have an old file of a "field" made by a surveyor in this format at the time - 1990 or so - that I would like to convert.

I can't attach the .xyz file, the site tells me that the extension is not allowed.
Kind regards

It's okay SW opened the .xyz file for me, I found on the net something to update it ..., indeed it's a point cloud, attached is the SW file, the import is Point Clouds and the 3d sketch I made is the base of the terrain, not to scale!! Never mind
Thank you
Import xyz without scale. SLDPRT (54.6 KB)

Can you tell us which tool you found?
This may help another who encounters the same problem.

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Good question!!!
It's an online converter, the site/name?, I didn't note it, so I tried several before it worked, that said I'll try to find it again

Attached is the link:

Kind regards

In fact I just saw that the title of the question is not fair, because I was looking to OPEN a
.xyz file!! That's why I wanted to save as SW in .xyz!!, and see. Now I know. Super!!!
Thank you


For clarity and to help future users who might be interested in the topic, I've changed the title of this one to be in line with the search.


Thank you