Open a part/assembly from a BOM table



For some time now (maybe since I switched to the 2017 version, I don't really know) I simply can't open a part or assembly by right-clicking on a line in the BOM. I compared with a colleague also under 2017 he has this possibility, by right-clicking on a line of the nomenclature he can directly open the element. 


In advance, thank you for your feedback. 


Kind regards

Looking in the "Customize Menu"? that we see on the screen

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If you click on the little black arrows to the left of the BOM, the thumbnails should appear, and if you click on them, it should open.

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As said @Olivier42 in Customize the menu you should have the box Oto "the name of your file" which is not checked.


I looked carefully in Customize menu yes to check that it was not uncheck and I didn't have it at all, see photo. 

I also tried by clicking on the small arrows, I do have a preview of the room by going over the thumbnail but nothing happens when I click on it. 

I tried to put and remove the complex assembly mode to see if it could come from there, it still doesn't change anything.



See this link


You can insert a BOM into drawings and assemblies.

 A drawing can contain a table-based BOM or an Excel BOM, but not both.

A table-based BOM is based on SolidWorks tables and includes the following:

  • Models

  • Anchors

  • Quantities for Configurations

  • Ability to keep (or not) deleted items from assembly

  • Show zero quantity

  • Excluding Assembly Components

  • Follow the assembly order

  • Checking Item Numbers

  • Ability to open parts and assemblies from the table. (Right-click a row and select Open <model>.)

@+ ;-) 

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Yes, it is precisely this function that I no longer have access to. 

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Try restoring your settings, it allows you to put the registry keys back in order....

Kind regards

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