Pack and Go..., missing drawings

when I do a Pack&Go of an assembly, not all drawings are listed.
How can I select all drawings, of subgroups and individual parts?


You would need more details about your Pack&Go settings... and the hierarchy of your files and directories...
Normally Pack&Go only retrieves files referenced in your assembly, if some drawings do not come with your assembly, it is possible that their references are in error or directed to another assembly.


First thing: the drawings must have exactly the same name as the corresponding 3D file.


And I will preferably add in the same directory


Little info:
I had a special case not long ago. I had inserted a view of a sub-assy (ASS1) in a MEP of another assembly (ASS2) than the assembly to which my part belongs (ASS1) and well the P&G of ASS1 will load the entire assembly + MEP ASS2, which can lengthen the list considerably.
So if we exclude the drawing of ASS1 we only have the sldprt which appear so there is no way to recover the MEP. I searched for a while and had to call VISIATIV support who unravelled my problem, but no solution with P&G

The ideal would be to use the Visiativ " ProjectManager " tools (the old version I mean -before 2024-), it gives more flexibility than the Solidworks Pack&Go.
But I don't know if @adrianbachmann have this software...

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I came across (without hurting myself...) this Javelin article:
It explains, in English, how to use Pack&Go optimally...