License Number Panel for SW 2003


Following a problem on a computer with SW 2003, the computer scientist cloned the 2nd workstation which is identical to repair it. How to change on the computer repair by cloning the number and key of the SW2003 corresponding to its key on Port behind the computer.

Waiting for instructions to hand over the serial number and key number on the ordination.

Sincere greetings


It smells like the reinstallation of the SW2003. 

I don't know if at that time there was already the software to recover the settings.

Normally before making a change, or if the other computer still exists, you have to remove the license from one computer to put it on another. It's a file transfer, and there's a little software in the solidworks program menu

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SW 2003 with a USB key, pffff it goes back too far for me but according to a colleague you have an associated code that allows you to read the key.
