CATIA V5 Setup


I would like to be able to change a part in an assembly via the settings, in order to standardize a part.

No matter how much I search on Youtube and the net, I can't find it.

Thank you in advance for your answers.



Can you elaborate.

Are you looking to replace a standard part in an assembly (e.g. a bearing library, screws, etc.)?



No, I would like to be able to change a component in an assembly of a system that I have made.

Example: Be able to change the bit of a screwdriver via the settings.

By the parameters you can't "replace" a component (unless you run a macro) but you can play on the activation state of the components.

Do you have the KWA module?

You would have in the CATProduct a chain type parameter with a list of choices type: Philips N°1 etc; pozidrivz etc; Torx. ..

The selection activates the corresponding file.

This means that in your CATProduct you have all the tips superimposed but only the selected one is visible.

Edit: If you don't have KWA, you can use an Excel table to manage the configurations (you also have to think about enabling/deactivating the assembly constraints of the active/inactive components).

Hello franck.ceroux,

That's exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you very much for your answers!

Tristan de Possesse