Setting up a set of parts in solidworks

Hello everyone,

I can't figure out how to set up a set of parts. That is to say that all the dimensions are based on only one in an assembly. When you change this dimension, the whole assembly changes.

Moreover, for some odds it depends on a table. For example, a screw will be an M16 for from one side to another, then an M15 from one side to another and so on.

For the moment I have fully parameterized a tree with the equation menu that I linked to an external file but when I link several parts of an assembly to the same external file everything beugs.

I also tried with a family of parts, but I don't see how to link several parts together with them.

Thank you in advance for your precious help

A simple option:
- Create a sketch in your assembly with a segment whose length is your parameter.
- In parts, create a sketch with a segment whose length is related to the previous sketch (in-context editing).
- Set up each of the parts based on its sketch.



This "reference" sketching method is also the one I use, it's simple and effective and if the link is lost or you want to change it it's easily doable.

I insert a sketch into my head assembly and convert that sketch into a sketch of each of my parts to keep the connection:


Thank you for your answers, but do you know how to make a parameterization selecting parts in a table. For example, a keyway length will not vary linearly. e.g. for our reference dimension between 100 and 150, key length = 30, for our reference dimension between 150 and 200, key length = 40 , etc... for a dozen of the value

By playing with the formulas either at the SW level or in an XL file, by stacking the "if" functions, it should be possible.
Or if your example is realistic and you're lucky, we have "lg key" = "upper interval limit"/5 (30=150/5), which will be even better.

That's what I was telling myself while doing the yews. It's going to be a long time but as long as it's feasible... My example is unfortunately not realistic... And so you talk about entering the formulas in excel (which I would prefer), going through part family or is there another way to link excel and solidworks?

Indeed I was thinking of a family of parts, even if there is only one configuration.

But once we have our values in our family of parts (which we can program in VBA for more speed), is it possible to send these values back to the assembly? That is to say to be able to use them in other rooms?

By the principle of the reference sketch, yes, but you will have to ask SW to recalculate the set several times in a row (with Ctrl-Q) so that it updates properly.
I wonder if it would not be more desirable to play the caculs in each room.

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