I would like to make a BOM model (Solidworks) with the increasing sorting of my first column already integrated by default. I would also like to be able to integrate a row at the bottom of my table automatically with the total sum of one of the rows. But every time I create it and save it to modify my table template, it doesn't take this information into account...
Normally, Sorting should work if it is properly saved in the BOM template. (At least for Solidworks 2022... I don't know which version you use...) https://help.solidworks.com/2022/french/SolidWorks/sldworks/t_save_bom_sort_setting.htm?id=484a5ddc85fd4a6ba1b94d96fa318a24#Pg0 For the line of " Somme " Totale, I am much less sure... especially since it depends a lot on the type of BOM used, for example welded element BOMs do not behave in the same way as a BOM type BOM... I don't think we can add an " Equation " Row at the end of the table, an " Equation " column yes but not a row... Am I mistaken?
No, you're right, I've already tried and I don't think I'm the only one. On the other hand, like welded construction tables, it must be possible to add a column with the total of all the rows of the table of the column in question.
" If anyone understood what I just said, it's because I expressed myself badly"