Setting "Properties of the list of welded parts"



under SW2014, I created a table template for the list of welded parts that I insert during a drawing, which allows me to always have the same nomenclature.


My problem is that some columns are not auto-populated. I am forced to go back to my 3D, to go to the properties of the welded parts lists and then to the column of the "name of the property" to manually add the missing name corresponding to the title of the columns of my nomenclature.


My question is, how do I definitively set up the "Properties of the welded parts list" table so that, when I create a new part, it is filled correctly, which will allow my BOM table to be completely filled?


Thank you

@ fdujardin

See this tutorial

@+ ;-)

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I think that in your case, you should modify your room model, adding the personal properties you want, and then you save your model.


Create a new room, and normally, the personal properties will be kept.




There is a file that groups these properties. His name is weldmentproperties.txt.


To find it, you have to look at its way around in Tools/Options/File Locations/Welded Construction Properties Files. This is the penultimate (penultimate one) on the list.


When you have this file, you can add the properties that you are interested in.


See this link

@+ ;-)

Thank you for your answers, but I'm on a welded construction and the table of my nomenclature will look for the parameters of the list of welded parts and not the properties of the file.

What properties do you need?

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Depending on the properties you are missing, you may need to check your SLDLFP files, the welded build library files.


If, for example, it's the description of the "hit" you're missing, that's more where it's played.

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See this link Welded parts bill of materials

@+ ;-)

Here is the table I would like to modify in the PC. Currently it opens with the 5 lines "LENGTH, ANGLE1, ANGLE2,etc... ". I know how to add a 6th and then a 7th, etc... but my problem is that when I create a new room, the array that is in PJ comes back in this configuration. SW doesn't keep the lines I was able to add earlier.


Yes, that's what we all understood I think, but then, what property do you want to add?


You hinted earlier that you would like to recover a property of the document?


If it's "just" adding a welded construction property, see my post above.

Often, the properties of welded parts list items depend on the profiles, in this case it is sufficient to open the *. SLDLFP and to fill in the "properties file" the list of desired properties and their value


For example: Description -> Square tube 40x40 ep 4

So when creating the welded part list article, it will retrieve this info...

On the other hand for the end caps, the reinforcements, the extrusions... No salvation, you have to do it manually.


EDIT: I hadn't seen that @benoit.lf had already provided the answer

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For example I want to replace line 5 "MATERIAL" by writing "MATERIAL" and that the next time I make a part, line 5 stays with the name "material" because currently it is reverting to its original name "material".

If it's limited to renaming, my post indicating the modification of the weldmentproperties.txt file should be enough.

Not really, because the next time I'm going to make a new piece, I'll have to go back to line 5 with the drop-down menu (set by the weldmentproperties.txt file). What I wish was to be able to save this table so that it remains the same every time. 

See this tutorial


When creating a welded assembly, the tubes and profiles are still named according to the original files, but additions like plates and sheets remain empty. That's why we've produced a macro that allows you to name all the parts that are not automatic in welded constructions.

@+ ;-)

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Your salvation is certainly to be found here:


It's a tutorial made by @jmsavoyat: safe bet! ;-)


It corresponds to what @Bart said from the beginning.




It just goes to show that, sometimes,  a little explanation is better than long speeches!


I hope you'll get out of it, personally I modified my models, and everything works nikel!


Good luck to you!




I saw that you were talking here about a problem that also concerns me,

And I think that the answer to my problem would certainly be found in the tutorials you were talking about here, namely:


But I don't have access to this video anymore, would there be a way to get there through Youtube directly? or other?


Thank you


Sorry to dig up an old topic, but the tutorial that explains how to do the manipulation is no longer accessible. Do you know where I can find it please?

EDIT: found!
