SmartProperties configuration impossible on my workstation



I want to change the SmartProperties settings (myCADtools' tool) but when I extract the .XML file(s) and go to "Settings" I don't see the properties to change them.

I can only see them when the .XML file is archived but as it is read-only the properties are grayed out because they cannot be modified.

I've tried on different XMLs and all of them do the same thing.


Has anyone ever had this problem and knows how to get out of it?


Attached image: on the left the extracted file and on the right the archived one.





In my memories, the trainer at Axemble had advised us not to store the configuration files in the EPDM.

It doesn't help you much, sorry.


Indeed, you should not put the configuration files in the PDM vault but on a server accessible to all workstations.

If the files are read-only, the settings cannot be changed.

Redefine the files outside the PDM vault in the settings.


Knowing that all the workstations that have access to SolidWorks also have access to the EPDM so I don't see why it would be a problem.

All our files are under EPDM and I should be able to modify the XML by having extracted them before...

I'll try by outsourcing the files.

I just tried but it's exactly the same outside of the EPDM, I only see the contents of the XML when I make the file read-only, and it shows up empty when it's not.

Now, I wanted to put the links back to EPDM and I no longer have the drop-down menu with my XML while the files and folders are the same as before.


Is there another place to set up SmartProperties other than by selecting an XML file by type and clicking on "Settings" ?

So, I managed to restore the right options via a settings file compared to my last comment.

But my initial problem remains, what's weird is that my colleague (who has exactly the same EPDM rights) as me can modify the XML once extracted at home.

And it doesn't work even when I put myself in Admin while with my colleague in Amin it works too so it's not a question of law.

At worst, I'll modify the XML on his workstation and if it works it will stay on the EPDM...

As a result, I managed to modify the XML manually without going through the SmartProperties settings and it works.

It still doesn't explain my problem but I managed to do what I wanted.

I have another question about SmartCounter ;-):

For your information, after many hours spent with Visiativ support and my IT department on the subject, no one knows where it can come from.

A colleague who has the same installation configuration as me (on Windows 10) does not find this problem, I manage to modify on all the other workstations than mine (under my Windows and EPDM session). The problem is also repeated outside of EPDM.

Visiativ support found the problem thanks to a developer: it came from a temporary file named "SauvegardeSmartProperties.xml" that was corrupted. After deleting the temp files, the problem is resolved. It was all stupid but no one had found it after many hours of searching...

I will now install CCleaner in order to clean up these files regularly.