Setting up an assembly from an Excel

Hi all

I would like to be able to set up a certain number of components in Excel and I would like SolidWorks to open them to me in an assembly, even without constraints. I could just tell him the folder where he can go to get the components for example.

Is it possible? If so, how?

Thank you in advance.

Have a good day everyone.

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Hi Seb,

If you have a myCADtools subscription, you can use the tool: PilotAssembly, it allows you to retrieve all the dimensions of the assembly and parts, you can modify them via the excel sheet, apply the changes in bulk, then make a take-home composition of your assembly file to create a new version.

Good luck



Hello Mick,

Indeed, we have a myCAD tools subscription and I looked to use the PilotAssembly utility.

As you say so well, I can change the dimensions of the components. On the other hand, if I have a library of components with, for example, downloaded engines, how do I modify the one present in the assembly?

Thank you in any case for your answer.

I would say in the same way, it is during the take-home composition that you will modify the name of your engine so as not to impact the modifications on the original component.

Hoping I understood the question correctly:)

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Can you clarify your question, what do you mean by modifying a downloaded component?

Do you mean replacing one with the other in an assembly?



In fact, I will have a typical assembly (motor, pump, accessories,...) and only then I want to be able to select the references of the components that I will mention on an Excel.

As I understand PilotAssembly only retrieves the information of the components of the assembly but if a component is not parameterized (and/or configurable), I cannot modify it in the Excel.

Ok, I understand better. (well I think ;) )

Your component is an imported component, without function or sketch, so in this case, PilotAssembly won't allow you to modify it, you'd have to recreate the functions (with FeatureWorks for example)


And changing the component reference on PilotAssembly is not possible? Rather than recreating the functions. Because for an engine, I would have to modify all the dimensions for each axle height. Not to mention the other components...

No, PioltAssembly does not allow you to replace one component with another unfortunately

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