Setting up a mononloc carbide ball end mill via VBA


Have you made your strawberry?

Before managing parameters it is useful to create the basic refs it seems to me

so make your strawberry by naming each


then it will be enough to spell and change the parameters

@+ ;-)


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Here is the representation of a Ø4 ball end beam in Solidworks 2015. It's up to you to adapt and modify it as you see fit. 

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Hello Fadicharaa,

If you don't want to bother programming in VBA for each type of cutter, I would recommend you to take a look at a free product already available in SOLIDWORKS called DriveWorksXpress.

DriveWorks is a company that specializes in SOLIDWORKS design automation.

Take a look at the first video on the right of this web page:

I can also provide you with any questions.



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