PB Convert STEP File


I'm facing a problem that I can't seem to solve

I received a set of STEP files that looks like ASM (it's not a zipped file)

This file is from the O.U.I software (equivalent to Rhino)

I only have to do an RDM simulation on the ASM except that it can't work with surface files so it has to be converted into a real Solidworks file with a material.

When I open this curious STEP it automatically converts all the coins  to me into a .sldprt coin

Except that they are still surfaces. Surfaces that are unusable even if only to raise a ray because everything is made of spline.

When I import files from suppliers, it automatically recognizes the part and transforms it into a part that can be modified by function recognition.
Except that there is no access to the recognition of functions.

Brief! I'm lost in apples.

For the previous set for this client I was forced to recreate all the parts in SW (and that's not Glop!)

Can you help me please (it's a little sorry)

Kind regards



Hello Zozo_mp,

If all the parts of the assembly are on the same principle as imported_121, i.e. with a constant thickness, the generation of a volume part can be obtained simply.
Simply create an offset surface of all the outer faces of the original imported surface, with a zero offset value.
Then use the "Thicken" function with the thickness that fits well (5mm).

Kind regards.

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Great method I'll try it right away and keep you informed

It will save me a lot of time

A big thank you ;-)

Kind regards


Thank you again it works very well and very simple and quick to implement.

For the simulation you just have to think about excluding the surface bodies from the analysis ;-) otherwise it cannot lead to what is normal.

Have a nice day :-)


Attached is the ."step" file repaired with the "import diagnostic" function.

Then use the "Try to Fix Everything " tool: 

The surface is converted into volume:




Hello @TONIO 

I'll also try your method, I'll keep you informed

Kind regards

I have the impression that the @TONIO method is even faster (try to make a turntable but not a tube). I did a simulation on a single piece and it's correct.

@ All      @m.blt 
I don't understand why the import diagnosis when it has no error generates a volume that would have been pierced etc. while the message in the import diagnostic is "defective faces....... "

While waiting for your opinions, I continue with the solution of @m.blt

If I wanted to go further and have the recognition of the functions as for many CAD suppliers what would it have to do. is the conversion done in SW or by a mill that is with the CAD provider and to which we obviously do not have access

Kind regards

I continue

How to use (or find) a feature manager function that appears from time to time to offer me the famous conversion (function recognition but without memory dimensions)

Thank you for your patience these are functions that I don't use so I'm forgetting a little

Kind regards