PB file size

Hi all!


I have a machine frame that was about 8 / 10 MB and violated that

for some time now, the beast has exploded to go up to 180 MB.


It is built with a 3D sketch with a mechanically welded element.

In all 152 functions, 70 volumes.


If anyone has a lead, thank you



Do you have a lot of configurations on your rack (family of parts or configuration). It's very tasty!

Otherwise try saving under a different name, this may decrease the size.

Kind regards


As JMSAVOYAT says, it will be interesting to know if your piece has multiple configurations and the minimum size you get when you make a file saved as.

Personally, I have also encountered a problem of this kind in the event that a display state is "corrupted", so additional question: do you have display states related to the configuration or not?




no just 2 config: mechanically welded and machined


Make a copy of your file and go up the function tree to the 1st function and go down to the function that will take the longest to open, delete it and see if the size of your file is back to normal. This happened to us for a 13 MB file that became 270 MB.

Kind regards

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There has already been a message about this problem http://www.lynkoa.com/forum/poids-des-fichiers-qui-explose


Try these manip!




Thank you scale.be I tried but without results on the other hand rather than

Moving down the shaft bar function by function is simpler

to make tools; stats of the function and you will get the times

to rebuild each function of the tree.


Thank you anyway.

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Hello Coyote,


I tried a few manipulations of the I managed to get my

file at 347 MB, it's a good score.


I'm going to open a request at axemble, we'll see what they say.

And a save-as file changes absolutely nothing?

Stupid question, but there is no texture on it???

Solidworks 2012 bug, file size returned to normal by a simple

Recorded in 2013 SP5.