Pbl Smooth Base Boss

Hello, I'm having a problem creating a solid from three profiles.

You have to imagine a vase, which would have a round shape at the base, then a star shape, and at the last level a Vauban's star shape (vagement...)

By trial and error, I sometimes manage to match the edges between each profile. But I never manage to create a hollow volume...

The capture did not allow me to visualize the conept well, so I took the liberty of uploading the stl, if sometimes a good soul had time to take a look.










Thank you very much





Show us pictures visible to everyone if you want a quick answer


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Yes sorry, I thought I had done it, I must have made a mistake...

In any case, they are there now:)

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Already try to make a full body the lower outer part

It seems very complex the angular change between the 2 stars especially via the distance between the planes

Not sure that the result represents something coherent 




The result may not be the same, but you should try to extrude the last star into several regions along axes that meet in the center of the room.

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First of all, the 2 stars being 8-branched, try to simplify by working only on one branch.

If the thickness is constant, make a full volume and then a shell function

You have to create breakpoints (split tools: http://help.solidworks.com/2016/French/SolidWorks/sldworks/HIDD_DVE_SKETCH_SPLIT_ENTITIES.htm, this tool is not in the bar by defutation, you have to look for it in the menu) to have as many segments in all the sketches (including the circle so to be converted into a polygon).


Here's the idea


Thank you for the idea Leblanc.

Indeed it works much better:)

On the other hand, the operation of the thickening is not suitable for my use, the software shifts the surface in relation to an axis perpendicular to it. What I would need would be more of a function that shifts the profile on the x-axis if we look at the part from the side.


If the hull function is not suitable, you have to make 2 independent bodies and then combine them by subtraction