PDM - Plan List Management

Hi all

Some time ago, I opened a topic to find out how you manage your plan lists.
The general answer was "with PDM is wonderful"
So, we passed on :) This is not the only reason, rest assured

On the other hand
The management of the list of plans was not a topic discussed during the implementation

On my previous topic,
I saw that coupled with DataRecovery, editing such a list is easy.
On the other hand, I don't really see how to avoid releasing all the plans in my chests.

Ideally, I'd like to extract some of the plane properties injected by PDM
These plans all come from the same project but not necessarily in the same files.

If you have any leads;)
Have a nice day

Good evening

I confirm that with Datarecovery, you can only extract information  from files.

With the EPDM search, it is possible to extract information from the data  map in excel files.

Do you work with project numbers, information that can link all the plans?




Thank you for your feedback Yannick,

Ok, that's what it seemed to me for the DataRecovery

So for now,
We work more with model names
But no information is present in the properties, for example

We want to put a plan, a layout code
Same as a project code

I think I'll see how to extract the info from the data cards to Excel
But if I have a common piece for several projects
How can it be brought out?

We will have to address this subject at a future support day.


You can use Solidworks BOMs to  highlight your project number in your different parts. 

Solidworks or smartbom are able to export a bill of materials with all the information entered in the EPDM data cards.

