"Standard" PDM: Copy a part variable to a different plane variable


I need to retrieve the value of the Revision variable of the sldprt file to write it to the Part-revision variable of the slddrw file associated with the part file

Ideally, I would also like to retrieve the Revision variable from the slddrw file to write it in the Draw-revision variable of the sldprt file associated with the plan file

At the time of WorkGroup, I was carrying out this manipulation with integration to inscribe these two variables in the room and the plan

This module allowed me to write this information in the room and the plan even after it was archived and without changing the revision index

Thanks in advance to all who can enlighten me


First, your drw files must have a data map with a Part-revision variable mapped (CustomerProperty) with the Solidworks Revision Property. Your file shares must also have a data map that has a Revision variable (but not mapped to SW).

Next, you need to do a MyPDMTools task that copies the Part-Revision variable of the drw into the Revision Part variable. This task is to be launched on the drw.

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