Toolbox SW customization

Hello community.


I'm looking to create my company's drilling standards in the toobox. (automatic insertion of screws via the smart fastner)

I created my libraries of screws and other elements in the hardware customization tab => no problem.

However I can't assign my standards to my hole standard (duplicated from the ISO standard)

My screws don't appear in the reassign command... I only have the standard screws from the toolbox.

Has anyone ever had to do this kind of task??

Thank you in advance




this may interest you I think;

Kind regards.

You have to do "add a new size" with the icon in the shape of a cross to the left of the column

activity. Validate it with ok.

Then select "thread data", redo "add new size", enter your values

and be careful in the last column "SERIES" you have to put a value, personally

I put "a"

And register well before closing.

There you go, I hope it will help you.

Thank you for this answer. I'm going to try this as soon as possible.


Kind regards

