Customize the display of a "Edit User-Defined File References" pdm window

Hello, I would like to modify the display of this window (see PJ) in order to display some file variables that would be much more meaningful than those offered by PDM.

Is this possible?

I use pdm 2020

Kind regards.


For me it's one of the few things that shouldn't be configurable in EPDM.


Does anyone also have an opinion on the subject?

Thank you.


I am not aware of the modification of this window.
But I'm wondering more about the use of it, if you make the request it's because you have to change the references often, but I don't really understand why.
Wouldn't it be better to use the tree copy function?


I don't want to change the reference but rather delete a child that was added from pdm (with the paste command as a reference) and not from solidworks. To delete these reference copies you have to use this function and the data displayed is not very meaningful in all cases.

I confirm what @froussel said, this window is not editable.
This is the standard configuration of the tool and at the same time given the bugs generated on customizable column displays, I would say that it is better not to be modifiable.


Roger. Thank you.

We have a workflow with which we administer certain changes to the process.
As such, we receive an email with hypertext links to the files. A Windows explorer window opens and selects the file directly, except that with a custom display there is a refresh that is done and shifts the display by a good fifty lines (I think it depends on the volume of the chest, before in 2020 version we were only shifted by 3 lines so the targeted file was still in view, on the 2021 it's no longer usable so we're back to the basic view for admins).

Thank you for these clarifications!!

On the other hand, the best answer seems to me to be that of @froussel . He was the one who answered correctly first in my opinion.