Customize thread representations


How can we add additional thread representations to solidworks?

We are looking to add gas or NPT type threads. For example, in the Solidworks database, we only have G1/16 - G1/8 - G1/4 - G3/8.

We would like to add more

Thank you for your answers



If you have a Premium (or higher) version of solidworks: Edit a standard (or create a new one) in Toolbox and add your data to the table.
Otherwise, you have to use the "Customize" function directly in the Drilling Wizard editor. Then change your new threads to "Favorites"...

Erratum: sorry I read your request diagonally.... my answer is valid for taps (drilling wizard).... But for the nets I imagine (I haven't tested) that it's valid too...
-> Using "Related Text" (

Kind regards.