Loss of confuguration in a blend

Hi all

It has been several times now that a coin loses its configuration....... Let me explain.

I have an assembly with pins in it, pin with several configurations (Ø8x20, Ø8x25, Ø8x30.....). When I reopen my assembly shortly after, soidworks loses the configuration, puts a config on me  and tells me that the config. no longer exists..... whereas it does exist.

It does the same with a screw file too.


Does anyone have an explanation?

Thank you in advance, have a good day.


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Unfortunately no explanation, but we have also noticed this phenomenon.
We have several files (often of screws or even some kind of material) from several customers. Some are almost always problematic, others never.

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Two ideas come to me when reading this problem:
Are the files in an EPDM vault? because sometimes there are strange things, extraction / rollback bug of the server (that happened last week)
Outside EPDM, are you several users using the same files, maybe there are duplicates in different places

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Hi all

The file is on our internal network. There are only 3 of us using it, and there is no copy of the file.

And it did it again this morning.....



A priori it's the "." in the name of the configs.

Your PCs must have different settings and one shot it's a "." one shot one "," which appears in the configuration name.

-> Check the Solidwoks and Excel settings of all your workstations

-> generally avoid the period in configuration names