Can you create your own block library in draftSight

Can you create your own block library in draftSight

and set it up like a palette (like in Autocad) or a toolbar


or even a plug-in?


Thank you






No, that's one of the limitations of DraftSight!


There is no equivalent of the AutoCAD Design Center.


The easiest way is to create a DWG that you always keep open with all your blocks stored in different sheets (one for tapping, etc...)!

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Thank you Lucas for your speed.


You seem to know this software well!!

Can you tell me more about the "customize" interface


The Option Menu - What is it for??

See attachment


Thank you









This menu will only be used to add custom icons when creating buttons (to launch a special function or script).


But you may be able to get around the palette problem, for example by making your DWG which contains all your tapping, then with a button (and a custom icon) launch this file directly.

You will then have to juggle between the 2 files with CTRL+TAB or reorganize the windows by the "Window > Mosaic" menu



This is possible if you buy the Premium version of DraftSight (see Dassault website), you will have the palette functions and the dev API, as well as pre-existing bibs.




@Coyote : you have the premium version and there's the palette?


Because according to this link:


He tests the premium one and says that there is no Toolpalette!

On the other hand, we have access to APIs that allow scripts.

For your information, a trial version of the Premium version is available, I signed up for it: