Can we reduce the quality of the resolution on SWD Composer?

Small problems,

I imported an assembly to SWD Composer, I created a view, created a second view with an exploded one, so far so good.

I decide to recreate a view and recreate an exploded view but the impossible, bug after bug, the page is always in search and I can't do anything...

Does anyone have a miracle solution? 

Thank you!

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what do you have as a PC configue


video card


hard disk

windaube version

SW Version

@+ ;-)


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- Intel core i7-4700MQ CPU 2.40Hz

- Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M

- 16 GB RAM

- Hard drive: 1 TB 

-Windows 8.1 

- SW version 2016 but even on 2017 its plant...  

But logically with its configs there shouldn't be a problem, that's what's weird...