Can You Put a Sheet Metal Part in a Library - SolidWorks


I am looking to make bookcases that adapt to welded construction.

I would like to have bent legs to assemble profiles for example.

To do it right, if this leg is made with the sheet metal module, it is ideal.

But I can't put a sheet metal part in the bookcase.

Is this possible and how can it be done?

Thank you.

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Hi Alain,

if you put a folder on the server or the PC with your part(s) and then you go to the design library and add a file location; You search for the folder you just created and there it is added to your library, then you create your subfolders in the folder with your sheet metal parts. You'll just have to create configs for each different part but they will be available.


I think just like @ Manu

that it is possible to create any type of piece and make a complementary recording in part

to store them in their own libraries 

Manage your tree well and these configs to unfold them ;-)
