Can we modify custom properties during a takeaway composition?

Hello, I wanted to know if it was possible to modify the custom properties of a part or assembly during a take-home composition to avoid modifying them one by one.

For example, when I get a subset of a machine and I want to put it on another machine but with a different reference.

Or is it possible to do it in a group using a macro.

Thank you in advance.


Via the take-away composition it is not possible. By macro to see but more complex because you have to open the files to modify the properties. So basically you would have to launch the takeaway composition and then open this composition to modify the properties, save, close and move on .

Afterwards, to be double-checked but from memory the compositing function to take with you via macro is not very reliable/stable when defining record names.


Thank you for your answer,

Indeed, I don't mind doing the composition to take away normally and then applying a macro to modify the properties. But I have no idea how to do the macro, it's not my field at all. If anyone has a base I'm a taker.

Thank you


Have you looked at the MyCadTools tools , there must be something that allows you to modify the properties in them.

Kind regards


Since you have the MyCad tools as recommended by @ d.roger  look at projecManager:

It is able to copy your parts and assembly with certain rules:

- Renaming of parts on the fly with increments according to a counter, a property, etc.

- Setting up filters to exclude certain rooms following the path of a certain property or other

- Modifying certain properties according to certain rules.


And a lot of other things that I forget.



Hello, I started looking with SmartProperties and there is indeed a mass change of ownership, which interested me.

I forgot to specify, is it possible to modify only part of a property?

Example, I have a machine X with a part 1. Which gives me a reference X-1. I make a composition to have a Y machine. Since part 1 remains the same, is it possible to change only the beginning of my reference? (Y-1).


Kind regards


Yes, it's possible with Project Manager always

1- Open the active assembly

2- open Project Manager

3- Retrieve the active document in PM (red cube icon on white sheet)

4- Filter the library parts that you don't want to copy

5- Select the drawings

6-Switch to the Property tab (

Fill in the name (of the property to partially modified), the type and in value take, then replace a string (choose the string to replace)

7-Rename, apply the renaming rule(s), structure the location or copy the assembly (don't forget if necessary to check keep the tree, otherwise only 1 folder will be overwritten)

8-Duplicate: check the name of the new file before and after renaming and then apply


Basically, be careful to copy well (structure tab) and not move especially then proceed to tests on a small assembly to start.

You'll see the software is very powerful but you need a little experience to handle it well. But by copying for trial no risk you try in a new directory and then you delete.