Can we control the name of a file with a part family?

For a family of parts (e.g. bolts), I can control the name of my description or config (HM12x150 screws/HM8x50 screws etc...) but the file is still called H VIs. Is it possible to be able to control the name of the configuration + the name of the file??

Example, I choose a screw HM8x50 configuration: my file is still called Vis H. but I would like to code the name of the file in relation to a config and retrieve it for my nomenclature (Link with an ERP).

Thanks in advance


hello I don't know if it's possible with a family of parts but I know that with drivework you can change the name of the part at the same time as the config



You can't change the name of the file because otherwise you would have to create as many files as there are configs, which is not the purpose of configurations.

Since you manage to modify the descriptions, so as not to simply use them in your nomenclature, I don't understand why you want to change the name of the file.




Your nomenclature must not get the name of the file but a property that you will adjust as you see fit.

With the parts families you can concatenate values for screws, it's great.


Not possible in Configuration

Possible with Room Families




You can't change the file name with a part family


To add a visual on what @Coyote and @remrem said, if it's to retrieve the size of the screw in a BOM, you have to choose "Configuration Name" in BOM Options (see attached image)

No need to change the file name.

If it's to have a file per screw size, you can get the macro from @.PL to save 1 part per configuration to go faster. But I don't see too much use in it...
