Can you rebuild a room without opening the room family?


I'm currently working on a part with multiple configurations and need to open the part family several times to get the different configurations to rebuild properly.

Background :

I open the part family for the first time so that it imports data from another Excel file, then I rebuild configuration 1 from this reconstruction a    dimension 'a' will be calculated automatically (A controlled dimension) after that I have to open the part family again so that it recalculates this dimension 'a' from the other configurations from the one obtained and I repeat the same procedure for configuration 3 which with the dimension 'A' allows me to determine the dimension 'B' and I have to reopen the part family before I can rebuild all the other configurations.

What I would like to know is if it is possible to reconstruct the room while taking into account the formulas that are in the family of rooms without necessarily opening it?

Thank you.

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Have you tried with "CTRL+Q" (or even three times in a row)?

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I have a macro that controls and updates all the configurations, see if it can help you.èces

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I don't have the solution.. But for the record, it's planned in SolidWorks 2018!


The CTRL+Q rebuilds the configuration but without taking into account the formulas of the part family and as for the macro I use a similar one only at the end to rebuild all the other configurations but the result is the same, the formulas are not taken into account.

When you use your macro all your configurations are validated with the check mark in front??? Because with this one it's as if you opened each config and saved each one.

Yes, there is the green tick in front.

For the example below (see PJ Without Excel) I used the macro I recommended.

The dimension framed in red "203.80mm" is the value obtained when I rebuild the part after importing the data from the other Excel file and then I launched the macro it rebuilt all the configurations but without updating the values framed in green "256.62mm" should be equal to the first value and the dimensions in blue are obtained from the "LFN" odds except that the they have not been calculated at all.

On the second table "With Excel" these are the values that I get by following the procedure I described in my first message.



I'm going to send a ticket directly to support.